Why and How Should I Tell Others?

Alpha Course | Week 8

Discussion Starters:

What movie have you seen over and over again?


Why and How Should I Tell Others?

Matthew 28:18–20

“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”

Why tell others?

  • Jesus told us to
  • For the needs of others – spiritual hunger in the world
  • It’s good news: “Gospel” = Good News

Two opposite dangers

  • Insensitivity
  • Fear

How do we tell others?

1. Presence (Matthew 5:13–16)

  • We are called to be salt and light. (vv.13–14)
  • When people know we are Christians, they watch our lives. (v.16)

Matthew 5:13–16

“You are the salt of the earth... You are the light of the world... let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

2. Persuasion (Matthew 5:13–16)

“Since ... we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade others.”

(2 Corinthians 5:11)

  • Work out the answers to common questions. (For example: “What about other religions?” and “How can a God of love allow suffering?”)
  • Do it with gentleness and respect. (1 Peter 3:15)

3. Proclamation (John 1:39–46)

  • We are not all called to be “evangelists” but we are all called to be “witnesses.” (v.41)
  • We can all say, “Come and see.”

4. Power (1 Thessalonians 1:5)

  • The love of God poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit.
  • Healing

5. Prayer (1 Thessalonians 1:5)

  • For others
  • For ourselves—to have boldness (Acts 4:29–31)

Don’t give up—whenever you pass on the good news of Jesus, it has an effect. The gospel is the power of God. (Mark 4:15–20)


  1. What did you think or feel about the talk?
  2. Why do you think bad things happen?
  3. Where does temptation come from?
  4. How do you resist temptation?

Further Discussion

  1. What did you think or feel about the talk?
  2. Have you told any of your friends/family/colleagues at work that you are attending Alpha? What was their reaction?
  3. If you did not know anything about Christianity, how would you like to be told about it?
  4. What do you think or feel about the idea of people talking to others about their faith? How would you feel about doing that?
  5. Can you think of anyone in your friend or family circle who might enjoy an experience like Alpha?

Recommended Reading

The Case Against Christ by John Young

Searching Issues by Nicky Gumbel

Suggestions for preparing your story

  1. Make it short: Aim for three minutes—people switch off after that.
  2. Make it personal: Don’t preach—use “I” or “we,” not “you.”
  3. Keep Christ central: They need to follow Him, not you.

The format:

  • A little of your former life
  • How you came into your relationship with Christ
  • Something of what it has meant since then

Write it out in full

It’s easier to edit your story when it’s down on paper!